Support = Survival

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Ch. Robert Connor & Loretta Yurick (1999)

"DTI's foray into the world of multi-media explores what could be the dream life of the ubiquitous Technology Park."

"Robert Connor in his opening solo is all cool precision in front of computer screens and at the service of the Celtic Tiger. Tim Redfern's overhead digital projections could be right out of a U2 concert.non-fiction sci-fi we all have to come to terms with."

".digitally captured human movement projected above and the remarkable non-virtual presences below.all falling and collapsing so eloquently under the weight of the next millennium."
Deirdre Mulrooney DANCE EUROPE

".the piece has succeeded in creating something rich and strange that continually engages the eye. The choreography is spare and elegant, reflecting subtle, changing moods."

"..the dancers shapes are the dominant ones, framed by moving stars or rippling water..suddenly we find ourselves in territory that is reminiscent of the Elysian Fields with immortals dancing as water shimmers and ripples in the background."
Mike Dixon, Ballet International, Tanz Acktuell

".Soul Survivor uses the contrast between the natural and the man-made, the simple and the complex, the dark and the light, the sound and the silence, to pose questions for the brings the audience to a place where, without the trappings and pressures of our modern world, the inner voice can answer..a journey, an odyssey."

".unique, thought provoking .from a place of busyness to a place of beauty,.. a remarkable new show."
Galway Life Magazine

"Images of calm water contrast with jagged computer extensive video and pulsating soundtrack act as counterpoint to the physical sometimes fragile movement."

"The effect is and absorbing."
Seona MacRaemoinn, The Sunday Tribune

"In theory, the worlds of dance and technology are poles apart.but SOUL SURVIVOR marries the two disparate elements in a memorable multi-media creation.In an atmosphere that is at times positively frightening and disorienting, it manages to be both ethereal and futuristic."

"You leave the performance.enlightened. We may not know who we are but we have the power to direct where we are going."
Clare O'Mahony, GLOBAL DORAS

"What a pleasure it is to see a show that incorporates great special effects - yet is not driven by them."
Don Smith, The Evening Herald

"In SOUL SURVIVOR you can meet the past and the present.a journey that is like being on a river, flowing down the current..passionate, explosive and sensuous."
VESTI, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Ch. Robert Connor & Loretta Yurick; Original Music: Fran Hegarty & John Ryan; Video: Tim Redfern, Digital Media Centre,DIT; Lighting: Mark Galione; Costumes: Marc O'Neill; Additional Music: Meredith Monk, John Taverner & Arvo Part; Dancers: Murine Bloomer, Robert Connor, JJ Formento, Olwen Grindley and Robert Jackson.

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