Support = Survival


Dance Theatre of Ireland

Our Mission

Transforming People’s Lives through Dance

Dance Theatre of Ireland is putting people in touch with their creative selves; innovating dance for health, well -being and creative expression; educating, increasing access and participation in dance, including those who might not participate otherwise; giving quality experiences in the art of Dance through educational programs, classes & performances; giving opportunities to learn, create and perform dance for all ages.

Our Values


We put people in touch with their creative selves, we see creativity as an essential part of everyone’s nature,  through dance we encourage the spirit, evoke memory and reflect ideas.



Our commitment to creating quality experiences in the art of Dance finds expression in every aspect of DTI; from our classes and performances, to our dance artists and facilities.

Health & Well-being

We approach dance as a discreet and distinct way of knowing which through awareness, body science and creative expression improves our quality of life;

physically, mentally and socially.



We believe everyone can dance.  We create and deliver a range of programmes and opportunities for access and participation in the art of Dance, enhancing and celebrating each person’s unique abilities.



We believe that Dance enhances life, knowledge, confidence and connection to oneself and ultimately to others.


Kindness and Respect

is at the heart of how we treat everyone who engages with DTI


(c) Copyright dance theatre of ireland 2001, tel:+ 353 1 280 3455 email: info (at) dancetheatreireland (dot) com




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